Olivia 'Livi' Faulkner is a contemporary American artist based in Massachusetts. She is a self-trained mixed media painter and digital artist. Exposed to contemporary art from a very young age, Olivia was inherently drawn to modern art, never expecting that her exposure to fine art as a child would impact the course of her life and career forever. Her abstract painting involves fusing many different stylistic elements of contemporary art such as contrast, structure, splatter, fluidity, texture, and geometric-inspired shapes. Olivia uses various compositional techniques, mediums, and surfaces to inform her diverse body of work and uses an action-based approach when painting. Describing her approach in her own words, she seeks to "let go of conformity and let the action of art lead the way". Her work varies in color, but many of the forms throughout her work strike a similar signature she describes as finding connectivity, a “balance in the unbalanced", where contrast is a common theme.
Olivia received her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from The University of Massachusetts at Amherst and studied at the University of Leeds in Leeds, England. In her years after graduating from university, she realized that no other career path would allow her to derive the most fulfillment and satisfaction the way painting does. She believes there is substantial value in interpretation through art, often prompting her viewers to question societal norms, structures of power and to embrace uniqueness.
Olivia has exhibited her works in Milan, Brussels, Madrid, Massachusetts, and in Contemporary Art Curator Magazine. Under representation by the Monat Gallery in Madrid, Spain, her work was featured at the Contemporary Art Expo, Art3f, in Brussels, Belgium. Her digital art has been licensed through the California-based printing company Lumaprints since 2022, who has licensed and featured her work in HomeGoods and Marshalls. Olivia's solo exhibition took place at art gallery and paint shop, Artifakt Supply in March '23 in Worcester, Massachusetts. She is currently taking custom painting, digital art, and abstract portrait commissions.
Contact for inquiries.
For me, to be a creator is to exist— and my calling to become an artist is an attempt to explore the absurd and disorderly ways of the world and to create in a non-conventional, freeing, and dynamic way. Rooted in a high-contrast contemporary style, my art uses the dualities of existence to convey both presence and absence, certainty and ambiguity, chaos, and order. I explore themes of impermanence, perception, and tension between the known and unknowable. Contemporary art, for me, is the epitome of art that knows no bounds, has no finite limits, and is not dictated by anyone, anything, or any concept but free thinking illuminated through abstraction. My goal is to entice my viewers, to expand their reflections on modernity, the human condition, and the existential nature of life on earth. Through my work, I seek to visually express myself far beyond the mundane and conformist thinking we are so often inundated with. I feel the beauty of abstract art resides in my viewers ability to see, feel, and think in abstract terms, which I believe the world needs more of.